Zinema – Version 2

Case: The Zeitgeist Theater

Date: October 16, 2021

Investigators: Mike, Scott, Haileigh, Sam, Lauren

Equipment: K2, Mel Meter, Camcorder, Digital Recorders, Digital Camera, REM Pod, 4-Camera DVR system, SB-7 Spirit Box, EDI, Camcorders, FLIR

Claims: Disembodies voices/noises, footsteps, apparitions, object manipulation

Video Evidence

Office Sneeze

Shave and a Haircut

Audio Evidence

Description: No audio evidence was captured until the spirit box session at the end of the evening. Sam is asking about whether our team was intimidating or not to the spirits. A male voice answers him with “I do”.

Description: Later in the spirit box session, Mike left for a few minutes to see if his absence would make the spirits more talkative. Upon his arrival back into the theater, Sam is telling Mike what they heard while he was gone. Just as Sam finishes his sentence, the team hears “Sup Mike” come from the box.

Photos from Investigation