
Case: The Former Funeral Home

Date: October 26, 2018

Investigators: Mike, Josie, Scott & CAT Paranormal

Equipment: DVR System, Mel Meter, K2, Digital Recorders, SB-7, REM Pod, Vertical Parascope, Camcorders, FLIR, Flashlights

NOTE: We were honored to have been asked to help out the great CAT Paranormal with this case.

Claims: Disembodied voices, Full Bodied Apparition, Feelings of being watched, Electronics turning on by themselves, Footsteps

Video Evidence

Front Room Laugh

Upstairs Hallway "Orb"

Upstairs Hallway Ectoplasm

Audio Evidence

Description: During the Spirit Box session at the end of the night, one of the investigators asks if one of the previous home owners died in the house. A male voice correctly answers by saying “I did”.

Description: During the spirit box session, a different male voice says “near you”

Description: When asked during the spirit box session who first owned the home, a third male voice says “preacher”. It used to be a funeral home.

Description: While Mike was trying to find the source of massive EMF spike (turned out to be the wireless router nearby), this raspy and drawn out “leave now” is caught on his recorder.

Description: While the team down in the basement was just coming back up the stairs after this session, a female voice is, almost sarcastically, saying “you’re welcome!”

Photos from Investigation