
Case: Edinburgh Manor Insane Asylum 2-Day Event 2018

Date:  May 25th & 26th, 2018

Investigators: Mike, Josie, Scott, The Dubuque Team

Equipment: 4 camera DVR system, Digital recorders, Digital camera, Full Spectrum IR Camcorders, Mel Meter, K2, EDI, SB11 – Spirit Box, Ghost Ark, 360 Zoom Recorder, FLIR, Kinnect X-Cam, Full Spectrum Rover

Claims: Disembodied voices, Object manipulation, Apparitions, People getting touched, People being attacked, Cold spots, Feelings of being watched

Video Evidence

EVP Session: "Follow Her"

SB-7 Session: "Yes"

EVP Session: "Look"

Audio Evidence

Description: The group on the third floor is just finishing up a session and gathering together at the top of the stairs. All of a sudden a loud noise is heard that sounds like a bed being moved, but no one is near any of the beds.


Description: During the afternoon of the second day, just Scott and Mike are in the building and playing around with the full spectrum rover in the children’s playroom, which is the loud background noise you hear. A voice comes in as the rover is moving and says “Here I am!” or something close to it.


Description: During the same session in the children’s room, Mike is telling Scott not to kill himself BEFORE the investigation, and it sounds like a little child’s voice responds and says “Ok”.


Description: One of the investigators is in the children’s room and trying to get a spirit to shut one of the locker doors. Just after he demonstrates what he’d like them to try and do, a female voice says “Can’t get over there”.


Description: In the room that’s known as the Quarantine Room, there’s a whispered voice that comes in and says “Come back, I want to check out the aspirator”


Description: The group is using The Portal with the SB-7 Spirit Box. After not getting anything for awhile, there’s a sudden creepy laugh that comes thru.

Description: A question is being asked by a member of the group. There’s a male voice that comes in that we just can’t make out what is being said, but it’s heard by the people in the room. See what you think it says.

Description: This clip is a little over 6 minutes long. Everyone needs to get the full experience of this capture. When Mike, Scott, and Josie finished unpacking all of the equipment for the weekend, they left the building, but kept a recorder running at base camp. No one had entered the building the entire time they were gone. But these loud noises and voices were heard from what sounds like an old PA system, but the system hasn’t worked in the building for years.

Description: This is the shortened version of the above clip. It’s still over a minute long, but the long silent parts have been cut out.

Photos from Investigation