
Case: Wabasha Street Caves

Date:  April 16, 2023

Investigators: Mike, Kamryn, Scott, Haileigh, & Sam

Equipment: IR Camcorders, Digital recorders, Mel Meter, K2, EDI, Parascope, REM pod

Claims: Disembodied voices, Full Bodied Apparitions, Footsteps, Object Manipulation, People being touched

Video Evidence

Cave Bang

Stage REM Pod

Cave Whistle

Audio Evidence

Description: Kicking off the evidence in the caves, this voice was caught before the team even started investigating, whereas they has a recorder going from the moment they stepped through the door. The team can’t fully make out the word this young boy is saying. What do you think he’s saying?

Description: Sticking with the Caves, this was captured throughout the night at random intervals. This was captured on the static recorder that was sitting outside what was once the Speakeasy in the caves. No one is in the caves at this time, but these very clear footsteps were captured multiple times, and the team was told was the only way for that sound to be made is for people to actually be stepping on the small gravel stones.

Description: Since the caves was once used for gambling and more specifically poker, the team decided to end the night by playing a round of poker with the spirits. While Mike is setting up the chips and cards, a deep male voice comes in and says what the team believes to be “there ya go.”

Description: The reveal to a couple of the Wabasha staff was recorder. During the reveal, one of the employees was telling the other about how the bartenders will sometimes pour shots and leave them on the bar for two of the resident spirits. Right after he says this, a soft female voice is heard saying “hm, that’s nice of them”.

Photos from Investigation