
Case: William A Irvin ParaUnity Event

Date: July 10, 2021

Investigators: Mike, Scott, Sam, Haileigh, and Lauren

Equipment: DVR System, Mel Meter, K2, Digital Recorders, SB-7, REM Pod, Vertical Parascope, Camcorders, FLIR, Flashlights

Claims: Disembodied voices, Footsteps, Full bodied apparitions, doors opening and closing, object manipulation

Video Evidence

Audio Evidence

Description: In the Captain’s Lounge, Mike and his group started the investigation as they also do, with an introduction. Mike starts by saying “Good Evening!” and before he can continue, another voice comes in saying “Good evening?” back!

Description: Later on in the same session, Mike’s team has moved up to the bridge and is getting settled. Mike is telling people to go ahead and shut both doors to the bridge. Shortly after, you hear a voice say “yeaahhhhhhh…”

Description: During the Spirit Box session towards the end of the investigation, one of the guests asks what the spirits have to tell Mike. They get a very clear, and loud “Lets Eat!”

Description: While Haileigh and Scott’s team are in the inner hull of the ship, the guests are just sharing stories with the duo. In the middle of it, what sounds like a younger girl says “Hi!”

Photos from Investigation