
Case: Edinburgh Manor Insane Asylum 2-Day Paranormal Event

Date:  April 28th & 29th, 2017

Investigators: Mike, Josie, Shannon

Equipment: 4 camera DVR system, Digital recorders, Digital camera, Full Spectrum IR Camcorders, Mel Meter, K2, EDI, Ovulis 3, SB11 – Spirit Box, Ghost Ark, 360 Zoom Recorder, FLIR, Kinnect X-Cam, Full Spectrum Rover

NOTE: This is only the first day of audio evidence, which just had the 10 VIP attendees and the team. Video clip from both days and audio from day 2 to be added later.

Claims: Disembodied voices, Object manipulation, Apparitions, People getting touched, People being attacked, Cold spots, Feelings of being watched

Video Evidence

Jim Winter Articles about the Edinburgh Event

Audio Evidence


Description: After Dropping off their equipment in the building, Josie and Mike left, leaving a static recorder going to capture anything. The owner showed up later to get the place ready for the event and is the only one in the building. You’ll hear her footsteps coming up the steps, and this voice comes seemingly talking about where she is. The female voice is saying “Still down there…. surely”.


Description: The second clip from before any attendees, or the team, arrived at the location to begin the event. The owner is still the only one in the building getting things ready. A very clear and loud voice comes in and says either “Murder” or “Murderer”.


Description: Mike’s group from the first night is on the 3rd Floor and are the only ones on that level. They had just gotten into one of the larger multi-person bedrooms and are getting settled, and taking some pictures. This loud male voice can be heard saying “I’m in Pain”. It sounds a lot like “hey” until you put on headphones and hear that he’s puts a lot more emphasis on the “pain” part than the first two words.


Description: Same room as the clip above, only on the other end of the EVP session. Mike is asking if there’s another spirits on the other end of the building that would want to talk to them. What they heard was louder than what the recorder picked up. And they did hear this with their own ears.


Description: During one of the breaks when equipment was being reassigned, there’s a male whisper that comes in and says “I’ll take it”.


Description: After a pretty uneventful SB-11 Spirit Box session, the team turned the device off and Jim asks if the noise bothers them. He gets an answer.

Description: While Shannon was doing an EVP session with her group on the main level, you hear her talking, followed by some whispering by the person with the recorder, and just as they are finishing up whispering, you hear what sounds like a little girl say ‘This is a poor farm” and then the word “poor” is said by itself more loudly.

Description: Another clip from Shannon’s group, only this time on Josie’s recorder. A female voice is heard with what the team thinks is either “Be that hope” or “free that hoe”. Not sure which one we’re rooting for it to be. Any suggestions on what you think she says is perfectly welcome!

Description: Mike’s group is just starting another SB-11 session. Right before Mike says “Good Morning” another male voice is heard saying “there it is!” almost in a sing song type of way.

Photos from Investigation