Claims: Bathroom light turning on and off by itself, disembodied voices, people being scratched, full bodied apparitions, object manipulation, night terrors, shadow play, unusual emotional swings
Private Locations
Claims: Bathroom light turning on and off by itself, disembodied voices, people being scratched, full bodied apparitions, object manipulation, night terrors, shadow play, unusual emotional swings
Claims: Ouija Board used multiple times, Apparitions, Object manipulation, Disembodied voices, feelings of dread and of being watched, strange illnesses with the horses, being chased by orbs
Claims: Doors opening and closing, The feeling of being watched, women were constantly being touched, apparitions coming down the stairs
Claims: Disembodied voices, feelings of being watched, scared of the basement, child getting scared and scratched, Apparitions
Claims: Disembodied voices, family’s names being called, object manipulation, and kids seeing apparitions