
Case: Restless

Date: September 13, 2019

Investigators: Mike, Josie, Scott, Sam, & Haileigh

Equipment: DVR System, Mel Meter, K2, Digital Recorders, SB-7, REM Pod, Vertical Parascope, Camcorders, FLIR, Flashlights

NOTE: The Case photo is NOT a photo of the actual residence. No such photos will be released to the public.

Claims: Disembodied voices, Footsteps, Object manipulations such as the feeling of someone sitting on the bed, opening and closing the cabinets, or thumping from underneath the couch cushions while they’re being sat on. Door handle shaking with no one on the other side. Feelings of not being wanted there.

Video Evidence

Master Bedroom EVP

Kitchen Parascope

Audio Evidence

Description: Mike asks the question, “Did you build this house?” only to have Josie answer his questions a few seconds later and then not remember doing so. This is the bulk of that exchange between them. Was she channeling perhaps?

Description: Besides the one voice that was caught on the camcorders, all EVPs came from the spirit box session held at the end of the investigation. The first question asked “Are you willing to speak with us through this box?” was answered with “What do you want?”

Description: Mike is saying of how regardless of whether they understand that the activity needs to stop, it still needs to happen. A few seconds later, you hear a male say “yes” and then a female say “Yes Mike”. Josie understood it, but Mike didn’t, so after they discussed it for a few moments, the same voice comes back and repeats itself “Yes, Mike”.

Description: Just before ending the spirit box session, Josie asks if the spirits have any message they’d like to pass on. After a few seconds, very quickly, a loud female voice says “We’ll be fine”.

Description: Mike also asks if they have any message they would like to pass on to their client, who is taking part in the spirit box session. Right away a male voice, quickly, says “Not a thing”.

Photos from Investigation