Case: LeDuc Manion
Date: October 15th, 2016
Investigators: Mike, Travis, Emma, Jodi, Carp, and Josh
Equipment: 4 camera DVR system, Digital recorders, Digital camera, Full Spectrum IR Camcorders, Mel Meter, K2, EDI, Parascope, SLS Kinnect Xcam, and SB11 – Spirit Box
Claims: Disembodied voices, Object manipulation, Full Bodied Apparitions
Video Evidence
Audio Evidence
Description: Mike is seeing flashing blue and red lights outside, and after confirming they’re from law enforcement cruisers, gives them a statement of support. A few seconds later, a female voice is heard saying “Lay down”.
Description: Mike is just getting back from making a run to the gas station across the street from the Mansion. After turning on the recorder in the Old Kitchen, he starts to give Jodi all of her stuff she wanted. After the last “thank you” from her, she begins to walk away, when another, much younger female voice comes in and imitates her.
Description: During the SB-11 session, Mike asks the spirits if they had any suggestions on how to get more people to come through and see the mansion. A male voice comes thru and says “Dance”.
Description: The evening is coming to the a close, so Mike asks the spirits if it would be alright for the team to come back and talk with them again some time. It’s low, and in the static, but you can hear a female says “absolutely”.